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Showing posts from June, 2024

Get Favourable Court Case Results with Astrology

  Astrology can be of great help when a prediction has to be made on “Will I win the court case?” but caution has to be exercised while selecting the astrologer to answer this question because this is not a simple or general reading that any astrologer can easily do.  If general rules of astrology are to be applied, the sixth house is the main house for reading/predicting matters related to court cases. The sixth house can answer the most asked question- will I be found guilty ? From the sixth house, we see enemies, victory over enemies, enemies causing troubles/grievous injuries, compromise, fighting and its outcome. We also see enemies, their nature or personality traits, hostile attitudes, etc, from the sixth house. By analysing the sixth house, you can learn what obstacles or challenges you will face in your court case . The other significations of the sixth house include hatred, illness, infections, wounds, death, robbery, mental worries, fear and phobia, mental anxiety, fraud, su