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In the present times, it has become increasingly difficult for a couple to lead a harmonious married life for varied reasons that are beyond their control. The issues that lead to problematic married life seem simple and solvable from the outside, but most are hard to deal with. The most effective way to avoid married life issues is to visit an experienced astrologer for a comprehensive Kundli/horoscope matching, which may help detect signs of a bad marriage early. If you are married or are thinking of getting married, it is recommended to consult an experienced astrologer for horoscope matching. To do so, you can visit the website link provided below.

In marriage astrology, a horoscope can give considerable insight into the cause and solution to a problem that an able astrologer can suitably comprehend. Through this write-up, I want to emphasise the ability of the astrologer to read, comprehend, and provide husband-wife relationship solutions as per the birth chart. 

Normally, while resolving marriage problems through astrology, an astrologer would examine the 7th house, the lord of the 7th house, possibly the karakas of marriage, and in rare cases, the Navamsha to arrive at a solution that would be restricted to suggesting tips for happy married life or remedial measures to appease or dilute the energies of certain planets. However, the solution to married life problems in astrology is not this simple. A comprehensive reading with research has to be applied to the charts to mitigate the problem. The mitigation can only be inflicted through karma correction. One can read comprehensive write-ups on astrological solutions for married life issues to understand how astrology can help solve marital problems.

Let us examine each house their lords that inflict problems and wounds that are hard to heal:

  • A weak Lagna or its lord indicates health issues, lack of confidence or assertiveness, constant feelings of insecurity, an inability to establish a strong sense of self, a sense of stagnation in personal growth, mishandling of responsibilities, and restricted honest communications. All these can lead to misunderstandings regarding the date of birth between husbands and wives.

  • The second house is Shadastaka (6/8), next to the seventh house. Now, financial strains, differences in values (more so when it is an intercaste or interfaith marriage), inability to express freely, negative family dynamics, over or underemphasis on wealth, unnecessary dependency on family members, and lack of appreciation are some of the prime reasons that originate from a weak second house, resulting in married life issues in astrology.

  • Communication issues, lack of intellectual compatibility, sibling interference, difficulty expressing affection, inability to resolve conflicts, lack of support network, and difficulty planning are some points that crop up due to a weak third house that leads to married life problems as per zodiac sign. If you are wondering what to do if there is a communication gap and a lack of affection in your relationship, it’s always advisable to strengthen your third house with astrological advice.

  • As per married life problems predictions, the weak fourth house can lead to emotional insecurity, not respecting privacy, resistance to change or adapt to new circumstances, inability to nurture each other (like neglect and emotional distance), unresolved emotional wounds from childhood that manifest into trust or fear of intimacy issues, difficulty in establishing a sense of home and challenges generated through ancestry. The best astrologer for marital problems can help solve conflict between husband and wife. 

  • A weak fifth house influences the native so that the native cannot express affection, has difficulty enjoying leisure time, lacks romance and passion, and can also trigger difficulty conceiving or raising kids. All these factors originating from a weak fifth house can complicate married life.

  • A horoscope analysis for married life problems predicts that a weak sixth house can also trigger irreversible issues in married life, such as chronic health issues, work-life imbalances originating from health habits and lifestyles, and financial struggles. Also, understand that the sixth house is also the house of loss to the seventh house, i.e., the house of marriage. If you wonder whether your health issues affect your married life, you must analyse your sixth house with an astrologer's help.

  • A weak seventh house can trigger problems, such as unresolved conflicts, unfaithfulness or infidelity, deceit, and heavy dependency or co-dependency on the spouse. 

  • A negatively performing eighth house can also escalate problems in married life, which can revolve around intimacy issues, financial strains, secrets and hidden issues, power struggles with self and sexual compatibility.

  • A weak ninth house is responsible for differences in beliefs and values, lack of shared goals, communication barriers, issues with higher education or learning, and cultural or religious differences that lack a broad perspective. These points can create problems in married life if not resolved with their negative energies.

  • A weak tenth house can trigger differences that are hard to resolve. It is natural to think whether success in your career creates problems in your married life. The tenth house can answer whether career is the main cause of differences in your marriage. The main differences that can crop up are career struggles, imbalance in responsibilities, social status concerns, ambition and drive, authority issues, impact on family life, public image and lack of long-term goals and planning. Diagnosing problems emerging in this house is essential to balance out the energies for a comfortable marriage. 

  • A weak eleventh house is no different. It can trigger issues such as a lack of social circles and support networks, differences in shared goals and aspirations, lack of financial stability and gains, lack of community and networks, lack of teamwork and collaboration, lack of personal growth and fulfilment, lack of friendship and emotional support, and differences in thoughts on involvement in social causes. These factors, too, dilute the marriage. 

  • The twelfth house is again Shadastaka (6/8) to the seventh house. A weak or negatively performing twelfth house can unleash poison that is hard to control. Issues can include a lack of understanding of boundaries, both physical and emotional, secrets and uncontrolled subconscious patterns, isolation and withdrawal from the relationship, unsolved psychological issues of the past that bring uncontrollable behavioural patterns, addiction and escapism, and spiritual disconnect.

Astrological consultation for a happy married life can help pinpoint the issues, and an effective remedy can be suggested to tone down the problem. However, apart from reading this, a deeper evaluation of the Navamsa has to be done to understand the influences of the previous birth(s) on this issue. 

 Get the Horoscope Matched before marriage

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